Voice Lessons

Studio Policies / Payment Info

1. What's it going to cost me?


Students/Families should expect the following investment for a 30 min lesson:

Weekly (Paid monthly, by first lesson of the month): $25/week

(Ex. 5 week month $125, 4 week month $100)

Drop In/ Coaching: $30

45 min lessons (Paid monthly, by first lesson of the month): $37.50/week

1hr lesson: $50/week

GROUP LESSONS (2+ students) 30 min lesson

2 students: $75 for 4 week month ($18.75 per student, per week)

3 students: $67 for 4 week month ($22.33 per student, per week)

4 students: $62.50 for 4 week month ($15.63 per student, per week)

*contact me for pricing if more than 4.

  • Costs:

    • Tuition (above)

Note: If payment is not received by end of 2nd lesson of the month, lessons will be put on hold until payment is received.

    • Books/sight singing/materials are the student's responsibility. These will be a case by case basis. I will send you links or you can pay me back if we decide something is needed.

    • Any additional fees or charges required based on the student and situation. (late fee, accompanist/entry fee, etc.)

    • Recital Fee is TBD. It will go toward rental space, accompanist and refreshments in the Spring.

    • You can pay me by cash, check, Venmo (@Katy-Crumpton) or Paypal (katycrumpton@gmail.com)

2. Do I have to show up? And what if I get sick or can't come?

Yes. Please plan to attend all lessons scheduled. If an illness/conflict arises, you may cancel by phone call (leave a message if the call is not answered), text message, or email as soon as possible (preferably by 9pm the evening before, or at the latest, by 9am the morning of the scheduled lesson) otherwise, you will be charged the full fee for the lesson. If I have to cancel a lesson, you will be notified ASAP and there will be no expected payment for that lesson. I will always be respectful of your time and expect you to show me the same courtesy. Please inform me ASAP if you are sick or think you may be getting sick and do NOT plan to attend a voice lesson while you are or may possibly be contagious. Communication is KEY.

3. Do I have to do anything outside of the lessons?

If you'd like to improve, yes! Practice! (and do so consistently!)

4. What do I need to bring to my lesson?

A folder with your music (if copied, it should be hole-punched and in a 3-ring binder), sight-reading book if applicable, and a PENCIL. Always, a pencil.

5. How will I know what I need to work on?

Each lesson will have at least one objective, but I highly advise you to bring some form of recording device so you can revisit the lesson, practice with it, and have an audible record of your progress. I will also be giving you copious notes to take in your music and otherwise. Some extra paper or a notebook may be helpful.

6. Do I have to perform?

Performing is a vital part of growing as a singer. While it can be scary and nerve-wracking to share your instrument with a live audience, most of our fears come from the unknown aspects of "what if" thoughts while you are on stage. I strive to make my studio one of support, encouragement, and fun! I hope this will be an atmosphere that provides much growth in your singing journey. You'll always have me cheering you on!